The property comprises a recently built, modern industrial warehouse of steel
portal frame construction with part block, part metal cladding elevations under a
pitched metal clad roof.
The warehouse benefits from concrete flooring, high bay LED lighting, electric
roller shutter door, three phase power and generous working height.
WC facilities are also provided to the rear of the unit.
Externally the property benefits from two allocated parking spaces.
The property is located on the Alexandra Trading Estate at
the junction of Alexander Road and Watt Street on the
fringes of Smethwick.
Watt Street provides access to the (B4136) Booth Street,
which dissects the main industrial heartland of Smethwick,
approximately 4 miles east of Birmingham City Centre.
Junction 1 of the M5 Motorway is approximately 1.5 miles
to the northwest providing access to the national
motorway network.
Letting price
The property is available on a new lease, with length to be
agreed, at £12,000 per annum.
We understand that VAT is payable on all outgoings
contained within the lease.